Sunday, November 7, 2010

White Ranger, Tiger Power!

If I had to think of a present that meant the most to me, I’d probably say my IPod. Nothing else helps me escape when I need to, and my family knows that music is an unbelievably important part of my life. That being said, I wanted to find another present; one that brought me just the same amount of joy when I was younger as the IPod does now. To do so, I asked Mrs. Clause herself, and she helped me remember the greatest present I ever received: The Mighty Morphin White Power Ranger.

The White Power Ranger had it all. He dated the prettiest girl on the amazing TV show (that actually still airs in a technologically advanced fashion). He was the toughest of the teenage evil-fighting team, and he was also there de facto leader. The White Power Ranger represented the fierce white tiger, from which he drew his power. He sports a trendy gold shield over his shoulders, which gives him even more power. And to top it all off, he wields his trusty, white-tiger talking dagger: Sava.

One Christmas back in my comb-over days, I was a Power Ranger fanatic, and I need the White Ranger to complete my set. I had plenty of toys on my list to Santa, but the White Ranger sat at the top and found himself on there many more times, just in case Santa didn’t get the hint. I even dressed as the White Ranger for Halloween that year. Unfortunately, every store my mother and I visited to buy my cousins’ Christmas gifts were sold out of the White Power Ranger. I would check in every store to see if they had the white warrior in stock, and I was always let down. My entire family knew how much I wanted this action figure, and my mother began to search for it any way she could.

Christmas Eve is a huge deal in my family. My entire family gets together at my Aunt’s house, and we enjoy the traditional Italian seven-fish dinner (something I never came to appreciate until recently, when I finally realized how much better than even Thanksgiving that meal is). At midnight, we would all go downstairs and open gifts from the family. The kids would all receive multiple presents from all the aunts and uncles, and the adults did a “Grab Bag” to receive one gift each (I still make the cut-off for multiple gifts, as my greedy cousin established it at 23). As I began to open my gifts, I got the usual clothes from some of my aunts and uncles, but then, I opened my grandmother’s gift. When I opened it, I went bananas as I looked down on a life-size Sava staring back at me. I did not want to calm down but I wanted to get back to presents because I anticipated the White Ranger. My last gift was bigger, and I was sure it was him. As I opened it, I went nuts again. It was the toy Zord (the Power Rangers’ awesomely huge, robotic animals that they used to combat their enemies that grow to giant sizes) for the White Tiger. I could not believe my eyes as I jumped up and down in glee, but then, my mother came over with something behind her back. She said, “I guess this can’t wait until tomorrow.” She handed me the White Power Ranger. That was the greatest gift I ever received.

The White Ranger had it all: the girl, the skill, the accessories, and even an awesome music video!